January 2, 2014

Changes and the New Year

Dear M,

Every year I try to ignore this whole concept of New Year Day - I wonder what's so special about it, why should it matter, how is it going to be different from the previous days or years? And yet every year I find that something changes at the edge of December, and despite all my efforts to pretend that everything is normal and unchanging, a positive note comes up from somewhere and lures me into a world of unparalleled optimism.

Such a thing has happened this year too, a bunch of new things have come knocking on my door over the holidays, and I can't close my eyes to the fact that my life is going to change again this year.

This could mean a whole lot of tumbling-over of things in life, priorities getting reshuffled, routines getting tossed about, and a whirlwind of changes. Anxiety, apprehension, worries. But all in a good way.

Happy New Year!


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